What is ransomeware?:a detailed guide and prevention methods
So here’s it, my blog on “ransom ware”. And how I got inspired to write this? Well it was the need of the hour. With more attacks like “wannacry” unfolding regularly I thought it must be brought under limelight and let my lovely people know about a major cyber threat, to which nobody I repeat ‘NOBODY’ is safe from. In today’s date, all those who use the internet for any purpose, may it be work, entertainment, education, communication, socializing, business, etc. are prone to ransomware attacks. So if you have come here to know about the malware called #RANSOMEWARE and why it’s being trending nowadays, you’re at the right place. So I’ll be proceeding in the following manner: 1. What is ransomware? 2. How ransomware came into existence? 3. Types of ransomware? 4. Characteristics and abilities...