LEARN NAGPUR CAMPAIGN: a contribution towards digital India campaign.

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LEARN NAGPUR CAMPAIGN: a contribution towards digital India campaign.

An initiative by Blueberry IT Services

Hii gyuz,
This new year, why not make a new beginning ? 
In order to do so, we at Blueberry IT have decided to start a new project under which we will be conducting a series of seminars, which will be hosted for the people who don’t know much or nothing about computers.
The best part of this project is that it’s totally free of cost i.e. No registration fees, no-entry fees, etc.

  • so, guys and enthusiasts here is the first topic and description about our first event in the series of

BITS presents "Learn Nagpur Campaign" :

Topic: A,B,C of computers and basics

it's an opportunity for the people who are willing to learn about computers and can't get the resources and time to do so.
for any details contact Harsh-harry Vaswani: 8237325286 (whatsapp also)

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